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News Brief

Aug. 26, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Lily Lopez

Maryville Board of Ed revisits budget with more data

The Maryville R2 Board of Education met last week. The Board held a public hearing for the 2019-20 Tax Levy.

Superintendent Becky Albrecht says following the public hearing, the board approved this year's levy.

"The levy for this year is pretty stable.  It's less than a cent, lower than what it was last year.  It's 5.0657.    

Albrecht says the board also was given more information on the 2019-20 budget.

"Really we approved the budget in June.  This was just some minor updates and a budget message, which is an explanation of where the numbers come from.  We usually the budget by statute in June and then we come back and revisit it in August when we have more grant information. Instead of estimates, we have data with actual figures."

The next scheduled regular board meeting is set for September 19.